Found Some, Letter Pt. 1 | Mixed Media | 18x20"

Found Some, Letter Pt. 1 | Mixed Media | 18x20"


Mixed Media on watercolor paper.

Acrylic, india ink, Canson watercolor paper


A letter from Augustine E. Costello of New York to his cousin Charles in Ireland in 1891 inspired this piece. He is a man of middle age writing from a position of relative success in both his professional and private life, having successfully navigated the journey from Ireland to New York to become a journalist and family man. He is counseling his young cousin on entering the profession while reflecting on their different educational foundations and the measures that must be adopted to succeed. He offers introductions and despairs upon his current poor health. He is a man caught up in the past while advising on the future.

It is so universal. And evergreen.

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