Beaded shades
I have an attention problem. I get so distracted by new ideas that I have a hard time getting excited about production runs. A while ago, my artist friend Mary Beth talked about beaded light fixtures in a downtown Ithaca restaurant. I knew exactly what she was talking about having admired them many times myself. She wanted some for her bathroom and had been searching high and low for some time. Fancying myself an intrepid internet hunter, I looked high and low too. No dice. No one makes these.
Neither of us are timid about jumping into a DIY project. I found some clip on shade frames and bought a bunch of beads and we sat down one fall day and figured it out. Sort of. I think I posted a picture on Facebook. We learned why no one makes these as they are very time consuming and a bit of a pain.
Mary Beth was chuffed though - she made five more for her bathrooms.
But, we weren't totally happy with this as a finished project and potential product. The diameter of the clip-on shade was too big and didn't lend itself as a starting point for more interesting shapes. Time elapsed as the holidays overcame us. January flew by in a flurry of snow days off from school. Last week I sat down in front of the computer determined to find a better frame for a fixture. The top picture is the result. I watched the Olympics and strung beads on wire. I wrapped the frames and have the wounds to prove it. BUT, we feel we're on the right track. Mary Beth came over and helped me install the shade in the MiMBY Girl's room and I couldn't be more excited about a product. We're meeting with a lighting guy tomorrow to see if we can have frames made to our specifications. Exciting.
I've also been distracted by the loop stitch collar.
I just learned how to take selfies the other day. I am really pathetic when it comes to technology. This collar is knit from more homespun Shetland - I'm wearing Aila, a lovely katmoget ewe who is the best mama you've ever met. It took her a long time to warm up to us, but she is now queen of the flock and deigns to let us scratch her chin and admire her babies.
Much as I love these collars, I'm moving on to making pillows out of this stitch and my yarn, which I am super excited about. Spent some time this afternoon spinning up Pan roving in preparation. I'll post pics!