And We're Off!

With the commencement of Dawn's Summer Wind Cowl knitting class this past Tuesday, this crazy new venture is open for business!

It's hard to believe that on January 9th, Lisa and I met to talk about something else and ended up here, a mere two months later, in a partnership with a shared vision and enthusiasm for creating a community space for people who make things.  We have a lease, a bank account, insurance policies and legal documents, a website, a wonderful group of passionate instructors, a growing coterie of interested students.  Whenever we share this vision with people, we hear so much enthusiasm for this endeavor, and the longing too, for a place where people can create and learn and, most importantly, connect.

While we've got new classes organizing weekly, we've also got a lot of ideas percolating that we're super excited about.  Teen activity nights, a book launch party, open studio hours, a celebration for the first of May, bootcamp workshops for all day creativity, afterschool activities - they are all part of Craftstitute's future and we're working on getting each one solidified just as fast as we can.

We would like to thank you - for listening to us as we flesh out ideas, for paying attention to details we overlook, for already making this feel like a community.  Thank you to all the current and future instructors who are willing to engage in this grand experiment and work through the kinks of starting something brand new.

Please stay connected with us so you'll know when new things are made official:

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