Making Things
When he gets home from work and is unwinding from the day, my husband always asks me what I did that day. If I recounted every sorry detail of my day, from the successful return of a filter that doesn't work to the continuous interactions with friends and neighbors throughout the day, the myriad of errands and the running to and fro with children, I would bore him to sleep. My day is full despite not having a proper job to frame it.
Lately I've been wondering what it would be like to have a proper job again. To have to be present at a certain time, ready to greet the tasks of someone else's devising. To answer to someone else's timetable every single day and at the end of the week, to be paid for it.
Since a job isn't on the horizon at present, I've decided that every week I need to make something new and figure out if it would make a good gift item and/or be worthy of developing a class around. Today I made teeny tiny books.
The tutorial came out of a book called Microcrafts. I'm pretty good at teaching myself to do things from written directions and that's a good thing too as this book is a little short on steps. It made up for it with a terrific tutorial on sewing pages together.
Here's a picture for scale. Fiddly and fun, though not for younger kids, I think these could make great charms - Friendship Books - for older kids. Could also be a great diary for an American Girl doll too.