End of Summer Classes

I don't know about you, but I find the end of summer bittersweet.  The days are slightly shorter, there is a crispness to the air - a harbinger of autumn days.  Yet, there is a sense of panic too, all the things we planned to do and put off with a casual nod to the endless feeling of a summer day, suddenly there isn't enough of the summer left to fit them all in.  Time is moving quickly towards schedules and routine and rhythm.  

After spending the summer mulling over MiMBY and what exactly I want MiMBY to be, I realized that though I enjoy my time making things quietly in my project room - sewing and cutting and gluing and planning - I miss putting materials in front of kids and setting them loose to create.  The MiMBY Girl and I made climbing toys and puppets the other day out of paper and string and tiny brads: 

MiMBY Girl's dancer

MiMBY Girl's dancer

Her legs and arms have moving joints thanks to the tiny brads you can purchase in craft stores for scrapbooking. 

My fox

My fox's tail wags.

Our princesses climb walls!

I saw these paper climbing toys on Pinterest (that place of lost hours) and thought it would be fun to make some.  MiMBY Girl was in princess mode, but I hanker to make an old fashioned spy with fedora hat to scale walls.

Kids are wonderfully inventive when given a wide set of parameters and some materials, so I think this class could lead to a great deal of creative fun.  My gal plays with the paper items she makes - she is always tracing and creating paper figures to build a community.  Strangely, she seems to like them better than the three dimensional creatures she owns. 

I've posted some classes on the "Classes" page for the end of summer when your little ones are looking for some structured activities to get them in the mode for the school year, and to give yourself a couple of hours to prepare for the change.  I chose to make the classes 2 1/2 hours to give us time to settle in and not feel rushed to create, so we might have some time to play outside afterwards or work on a knitting project or discuss ideas for other classes the kids would like.  Please contact me with any questions you might have.

